Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Taryn Manning
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Check it! #1
So I have always wanted to have a reoccurring segment on this here blog and I finally came up with one I liked. The new project, titled "Check it!" will feature things that I am enjoying at the time and would recommend to my friends. The plan is to be posting these maybe twice a month.
"The 59th Street Bridge Song"/Simon and Garfunkel
This song can always make me smile and appreciate life. It is the first song I play when I am making the long trip back home. I love it.
I am just recommending this band. I really like all of their songs so I can't just recommend one. Well, actually I can. They actually play my favorite song of all time "Your Ex-Lover is Dead." When you listen to it, make sure you listen to the lyrics. But the same thing could be said for all of their songs, the lyrics are just great.
Slumdog Millionaire
This is one the best movies I have seen in a while. I was planning on telling what the movie was about and I actually wrote out a small summary about the movie, but it did not make sense, so I am just going to show what Fandango had to say about it: "Jamal Malik, an 18 year-old orphan from the slums of Mumbai, is just one question away from winning a staggering 20 million rupees on India’s “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?” But when the show breaks for the night, police arrest him on suspicion of cheating; how could a street kid know so much? Desperate to prove his innocence, Jamal tells the story of his life in the slum where he and his brother grew up, of their adventures together on the road, of vicious encounters with local gangs, and of Latika, the girl he loved and lost. Each chapter of his story reveals the key to the answer to one of the game show’s questions. Intrigued by Jamal’s story, the jaded Police Inspector begins to wonder what a young man with no apparent desire for riches is really doing on this game show? When the new day dawns and Jamal returns to answer the final question, the Inspector and sixty million viewers are about to find out."
I mean the music to the trailor is by the Ting Tings so it must be cool right?
Internet Videos?:
SNL Digital Short: Pony Express
"The 59th Street Bridge Song"/Simon and Garfunkel
This song can always make me smile and appreciate life. It is the first song I play when I am making the long trip back home. I love it.
I am just recommending this band. I really like all of their songs so I can't just recommend one. Well, actually I can. They actually play my favorite song of all time "Your Ex-Lover is Dead." When you listen to it, make sure you listen to the lyrics. But the same thing could be said for all of their songs, the lyrics are just great.
Slumdog Millionaire
This is one the best movies I have seen in a while. I was planning on telling what the movie was about and I actually wrote out a small summary about the movie, but it did not make sense, so I am just going to show what Fandango had to say about it: "Jamal Malik, an 18 year-old orphan from the slums of Mumbai, is just one question away from winning a staggering 20 million rupees on India’s “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?” But when the show breaks for the night, police arrest him on suspicion of cheating; how could a street kid know so much? Desperate to prove his innocence, Jamal tells the story of his life in the slum where he and his brother grew up, of their adventures together on the road, of vicious encounters with local gangs, and of Latika, the girl he loved and lost. Each chapter of his story reveals the key to the answer to one of the game show’s questions. Intrigued by Jamal’s story, the jaded Police Inspector begins to wonder what a young man with no apparent desire for riches is really doing on this game show? When the new day dawns and Jamal returns to answer the final question, the Inspector and sixty million viewers are about to find out."
I mean the music to the trailor is by the Ting Tings so it must be cool right?
Internet Videos?:
SNL Digital Short: Pony Express
Friday, December 5, 2008
For anyone that knows me well, or has visited my MySpace, I am a fan of Michael Ian Black. About an hour ago, I watched a Comedy Central Special that featured his Comedy troupe Stella. The comedy group includes Michael Showalter, Michael Ian Black, and David Wain. I thoroughly (sp?) enjoyed it, so I sepnt some time finding some Youtube clips from their act and clips from their T.V. show that featured their genuis.
I would have attached more, but they are R rated at best, and I just would feel right putting penises and racial slurs on my blog. But if you would like to see them anyway, You tube it
I would have attached more, but they are R rated at best, and I just would feel right putting penises and racial slurs on my blog. But if you would like to see them anyway, You tube it
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Facebook a.k.a. The enemy
Well, I am back. I feel like I have made too many empty promises, so I am not going to say that I promise to keep blogging, but I will say that I plan to do this more often. Blogging is good for the soul.
I have recently noticed that "Facebook" is a students worst enemy. Instead of doing reading questions, research papers, and speeches about capital punishment, I have often found that my attention has been diverted to Facebook. This could be due to the fact that I would rather shoot myself than write another paper, or it could be do to the nicotine-like addiction that I have developed to Facebook. This seductress has a strong grip on what I now consider to be important. It just started with the small things; the feeling that it is crucial that everyone knows when I am having lunch or sleeping or at class. Then it gets a little more serious. I started to try to fill my time with applications. I would spend my spare time looking for the perfect bumper sticker, or taking quizes to find out if I was truley a "90's kid." Now I am starting to think Im-ing people as a better form of communication. This is a problem. I am living in a false reality where I no longer find it absurd that I am writing on a wall.
I am currently trying to find a solution to this perdicament I have found myself in. The newest being writing my papers at 1am. This way I find it no fun to be on Facebook because no one is on it. So I guess what I am trying to say is, keep me in your prayers people. I will need all of the help I can get.
I have recently noticed that "Facebook" is a students worst enemy. Instead of doing reading questions, research papers, and speeches about capital punishment, I have often found that my attention has been diverted to Facebook. This could be due to the fact that I would rather shoot myself than write another paper, or it could be do to the nicotine-like addiction that I have developed to Facebook. This seductress has a strong grip on what I now consider to be important. It just started with the small things; the feeling that it is crucial that everyone knows when I am having lunch or sleeping or at class. Then it gets a little more serious. I started to try to fill my time with applications. I would spend my spare time looking for the perfect bumper sticker, or taking quizes to find out if I was truley a "90's kid." Now I am starting to think Im-ing people as a better form of communication. This is a problem. I am living in a false reality where I no longer find it absurd that I am writing on a wall.
I am currently trying to find a solution to this perdicament I have found myself in. The newest being writing my papers at 1am. This way I find it no fun to be on Facebook because no one is on it. So I guess what I am trying to say is, keep me in your prayers people. I will need all of the help I can get.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Blowjob Girl
I must apologize for my lack of recent blogging, I have been semi-busy. I still don't have time to do it so I thought I would leave you a little treat for still checking up. I present, blowjob girl:
Sunday, August 31, 2008
I have recently become addicted to the TV show "Weeds." Today, I watched two seasons. Folks, that is 11 hours. I have just been sitting on my bed of 11 hours! Well that is not completely true, I took a Del Taco run (B.T.W: State College D.t. es no bueno) at 4:45pm. I am looking forward to the third season to come out on DVD. It has found it's way in to my prestigious list of top 7 favorite T.V. shows. The list goes as follows:
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Reno 911
3. Weeds
4. A Shot at Love
5. Scrubs
6. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
7. The Colbert Report
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Reno 911
3. Weeds
4. A Shot at Love
5. Scrubs
6. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
7. The Colbert Report
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Learn From My Mistakes
This is a note for all of you future titans out there. Theater 100 is not an acting class. It is a study of theater class. It was pretty rough. I dropped that class faster than he could say Fosse Fingers.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Operation Omega 3 Part II / Bob (Cable Guy) Part III
So it is confirmed and the young man from the picture is actually our room mate. I feel fairly accomplished that we actually found him before he moved in. I am excited that he seems normal. I don't know, why but I was expecting our mysterious 4th room mate to be incredibly weird, like a noogie bandit, thank you Melissa. I will make sure to follow up with you guys if something interesting happens (cross your fingers).
On a new subject, we tried turning on our TV in the living room, and it didn't work. Which means, that Bob has to come back to fix it. So we will have to go without a TV for a couple of weeks. Boo
On a new subject, we tried turning on our TV in the living room, and it didn't work. Which means, that Bob has to come back to fix it. So we will have to go without a TV for a couple of weeks. Boo
Friday, August 22, 2008
Bob (Cable Guy) Part II
Tonight at 10:46 Bob the cable guy arrived at our apartment. I now have a cable box in my living room. Let me tell you, it was fairly anticlimactic. Now I can stop waiting for him and start going outside and living
Bob (Cable Guy)
So for the past two days I have been patiently waiting for our cable guy, his name is Bob. I called him on wednesday, in the phone call, he informed he was going to visit us on Thursday from 8-11. My room mates and I waited all night long for him, only to get a call at 11:30 from our good friend Bob. He told me that he was "sorry," because his boss said he can't do jobs late at night. I think that a tall load of B.S. Yes, that's right Bob I am calling you out.
After in that call last night he said that we would be one of his first jobs Friday morning. That gave me some hope. So I was a little more calm. Around 2:30, this afternoon, he said he can't make it until tonight! I am tired playing your games Bob! I have wasted enough time on you. This is the last time I will ever use your services again.
After in that call last night he said that we would be one of his first jobs Friday morning. That gave me some hope. So I was a little more calm. Around 2:30, this afternoon, he said he can't make it until tonight! I am tired playing your games Bob! I have wasted enough time on you. This is the last time I will ever use your services again.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Operation Omega 3
Today was the big move in day. Later on when I get my camera, I will take pictures and give you a little tour. Let me just say my apartment is a BAMF. To get in, you need to swipe and I.D. badge and put in a password, it is way cool.
So Fullerton decided that they didn't want to tell me who my roommates were until move in day (not cool). But luckily they are normal. I have three roommates, or so I thought. today only two of them showed up. So the roommates (Michael and David) decided to try to find him on facebook. These are two possible candidates for this roommate of myth.
Meet Kamron Sesar (the one in the back). He may look like your average excited young pupil... wait I have nothing to say, he really could be, I don't know him. I do know that all of his profile pictures have never been of him, Right now, It is a very large rubber duck. We found that he likes anime, not my cup of tea, but whatever floats your boat, or duck ;)
As I was searching for a picture of Kamron #2, I found that I can't find his profile anymore, so be sure to check back for an update on this search for Kamron (Operation Omega 3 [thanks ashlee]).
I am going to try to keep blogging for alot longer than last time. I have alot of time on my hands so I could be posting alot of things for the next couple of days, so don't miss out. Check once, twice, heck! maybe even three times a day! I assure you, it will be a complete gem.
So Fullerton decided that they didn't want to tell me who my roommates were until move in day (not cool). But luckily they are normal. I have three roommates, or so I thought. today only two of them showed up. So the roommates (Michael and David) decided to try to find him on facebook. These are two possible candidates for this roommate of myth.
Meet Kamron Sesar (the one in the back). He may look like your average excited young pupil... wait I have nothing to say, he really could be, I don't know him. I do know that all of his profile pictures have never been of him, Right now, It is a very large rubber duck. We found that he likes anime, not my cup of tea, but whatever floats your boat, or duck ;)
As I was searching for a picture of Kamron #2, I found that I can't find his profile anymore, so be sure to check back for an update on this search for Kamron (Operation Omega 3 [thanks ashlee]).
I am going to try to keep blogging for alot longer than last time. I have alot of time on my hands so I could be posting alot of things for the next couple of days, so don't miss out. Check once, twice, heck! maybe even three times a day! I assure you, it will be a complete gem.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Little Boy Black
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Dear Howie,
I am now going to introduce the first in probably a large series of blogs entitled "Dear Howie." Howard Shultz is the head hancho at Starbuck Coffee Co. and often I get very frusterated on how Starbucks is going. And now that I have a blog, I can vent away my problems about Howie. I know his face very well, do to all of the Starbuck training videos, but I realize you do not know, so I feel I am cheating you out on the full expirience if I dont truley introduce you to the big guy.
Dear Howie,
As you know, in about a month, in every Starbucks is going to serve frozen yogurt. But frozen yogurt at a coffee house?! That is just tacky. I mean you keep saying you want to make it have the feel of a small indie coffee house, yet you are turning the company into a monopoly!
I mean if your intent was truly to trasform the company to the indie feel, and you really want to add something, add Boba! I am thinking of all of the small coffeehouses that I know of in my head and everyone of them has boba.
So in conclusion, I want Starucks to have boba.
Yours truly
Colton <3
Friday, June 6, 2008
As you know, I will be attending Cal State Fullerton (Go Titans!) for thier fall semester. I will also be moving up there to live in their on campus apartments. I know, cool right?
So started thinking of things that are simply fantastic and will insure a good time. Tonight my friends, I found it.
It's name is Sonic. Home of the perfect meal (a number 1 with cheese, no tomato, no onion, no pickle, with mayo. large size).
Everything there, from cheese sticks to cheese burger, is simply amazing! They even have ball ice.
I still am in search of more interesting things up there, so any suggestions would be wonerdful.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
I want a Tattoo
Yesterday, I turned 18. So, I went throught all of the things I can do now that I am legal. I can now:
1. Buy Cigarettes
2. Smoke those Cigarettes
3. Buy Porn
4. Go to Jail
5. Buy Dry Ice
6. Get a Campsite (super stoked)
7. Get a Hotel Room
8. Have Sex
9. Buy things off of the T.V.
I realized just how much I wanted one. The ideal place would be on my forearm. I want a sick one like this

Soon after, I realized that I need to be pretty buff to pull something like that off. So my laziness overthrew my desire for a sick tat. Maybe someday in the future.
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