Thursday, August 21, 2008

Operation Omega 3

Today was the big move in day. Later on when I get my camera, I will take pictures and give you a little tour. Let me just say my apartment is a BAMF. To get in, you need to swipe and I.D. badge and put in a password, it is way cool.

So Fullerton decided that they didn't want to tell me who my roommates were until move in day (not cool). But luckily they are normal. I have three roommates, or so I thought. today only two of them showed up. So the roommates (Michael and David) decided to try to find him on facebook. These are two possible candidates for this roommate of myth.

Meet Kamron Sesar (the one in the back). He may look like your average excited young pupil... wait I have nothing to say, he really could be, I don't know him. I do know that all of his profile pictures have never been of him, Right now, It is a very large rubber duck. We found that he likes anime, not my cup of tea, but whatever floats your boat, or duck ;)

As I was searching for a picture of Kamron #2, I found that I can't find his profile anymore, so be sure to check back for an update on this search for Kamron (Operation Omega 3 [thanks ashlee]).

I am going to try to keep blogging for alot longer than last time. I have alot of time on my hands so I could be posting alot of things for the next couple of days, so don't miss out. Check once, twice, heck! maybe even three times a day! I assure you, it will be a complete gem.

1 comment:

cripes. said...

i imagine him to turn out to be noogie bandit's (brandon bringhas)
like brother.
in which case, i would pee my pants.